
Europe - 2021 Men's Junior Tour Final Rankings

Rankings as of October 14, 2021

Rank Name123Total Points
1198-- 8
9640-- 40
Basque Country
666660 192
7566-- 66
2344575- 520
1150029575 870
1060029566 961
56606053 173
10620-- 20
7566-- 66
9053-- 53
950050075 1,075
6650600- 1,250
58605353 166
42756666 207
9640-- 40
10620-- 20
12350295200 845
Basque Country
50020075 775
48666660 192
22350200- 550
9640-- 40
7566-- 66
686060- 120
Basque Country
757560 210
715350- 103
735340- 93
10620-- 20
7566-- 66
2444560- 505
8500350295 1,145
322007566 341
1198-- 8
1450020066 766
16350200200 750
657560- 135
1198-- 8
48666660 192
2620020066 466
18350295- 645
726040- 100
9640-- 40
45666666 198
Basque Country
295200200 695
1535035053 753
1198-- 8
8260-- 60
52756640 181
8260-- 60
362006660 326
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