South America

South America - 2022/2023 Women's Qualifying Series Final Rankings

Rankings as of March 12, 2023

Rank Name1234Total Points
251,423295200- 1,918
281,423295-- 1,718
91150--- 150
91150--- 150
65350--- 350
49480150-- 630
91150--- 150
43350295200- 845
30720400350- 1,470
65350--- 350
78200--- 200
78200--- 200
31800480150- 1,430
78200--- 200
72,2821,423796650 5,151
65350--- 350
51500--- 500
171,440400350350 2,540
38720400-- 1,120
78200--- 200
71295--- 295
37450350200150 1,150
48500150-- 650
33480439295200 1,414
43,0001,5751,0001,000 6,575
65350--- 350
26796439295200 1,730
78200--- 200
65350--- 350
23,0001,8251,5751,000 7,400
40480350200- 1,030
20800796480295 2,371
63,0421,825500350 5,717
91150--- 150
132,2821,000350- 3,632
71295--- 295
82,3401,000945800 5,085
45800--- 800
71295--- 295
36480400295- 1,175
720200200200 1,320
91150--- 150
71295--- 295
51500--- 500
71295--- 295
151,575945500480 3,500
58480--- 480
35650400200- 1,250
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