Two days of proper Pipe conditions churned through the lineup and made for action-packed competition from the region's best surfers. Former Wahine Pipe Pro winners Bethany Hamilton and Mahina Maeda helped make up the stacked heats, but it was Malibu's [Frankie Harrer](/athletes/3553+who+came+out+on+top.%3C%2Fp%3E_%3Cp%3EIn+the+Junior+Men%27s+division%2C+phenomenal+performances+came+from+young+guns+like+%3Ca+href%3D%22/frankie-harrerathlete:10618">Eli Hanneman, 14, and Wyatt McHale, 15, with North Shore's Barron Mamiya taking his third consecutive Pro Junior win and cement his name at the top of the regional rankings.