Kelly Slater keeps popping up all over Into. First he was caught sharing barrels at Padang. Then he hoped a boat across the Lombok Straight for a yet-to-be-seen session at Desert Point with the WSL's own Strider Wasilewski. And now he's surfaced on a playful day at Keramas.
Kelly's been pretty tight lipped about it all and hasn't been posting anything about his Indo sojurn, but Bali's a small place and it's hard for somebody like the GOAT to move around without being spotted, and thanks to some dedicated filmers -- and Strider's Instagram feed -- we have been able to follow along on the ride.
This latest cut from the Surfers Of Bali YouTube channel has Kelly looking spry and loose on a day at Keramas that can only be described as rippable. If there was ever any question about what kind of form the 48-year-old, 11-time World Champ might be in when the Championship Tour eventually returns, from barrels to turns, he's looking as good as ever...and seems to be having a ball with his friends in Bali.
Translation: Indo's been good to Kelly and he's going to be dangerous in 2021.
Slater's Indo Dream Run Continues At Playful Keramas
Jake Howard
Kelly Slater keeps popping up all over Into. First he was caught sharing barrels at Padang. Then he hoped a boat across the Lombok Straight for a yet-to-be-seen session at Desert Point with the WSL's own Strider Wasilewski. And now he's surfaced on a playful day at Keramas.
Kelly's been pretty tight lipped about it all and hasn't been posting anything about his Indo sojurn, but Bali's a small place and it's hard for somebody like the GOAT to move around without being spotted, and thanks to some dedicated filmers -- and Strider's Instagram feed -- we have been able to follow along on the ride.
This latest cut from the Surfers Of Bali YouTube channel has Kelly looking spry and loose on a day at Keramas that can only be described as rippable. If there was ever any question about what kind of form the 48-year-old, 11-time World Champ might be in when the Championship Tour eventually returns, from barrels to turns, he's looking as good as ever...and seems to be having a ball with his friends in Bali.
Translation: Indo's been good to Kelly and he's going to be dangerous in 2021.
Mexico's Alan Cleland Jr. just kicked in the doors at his CT rookie debut at Pipeline. Cleland Jr. charged like a madman and taking down
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Welcome to the starting line. The champs are back, the rookies have arrived, and the entire surf universe turns its eyes to the place where
Avatoru showed up in a brilliant way to kick off proceedings at the Air Tahiti Rangiroa Pro QS 1,000 with nonstop barrels.