- WSL / Tony Heff

The winter surf season has finally arrived on the North Shore of Oahu and reigning World Champ Carissa Moore has been making the cross-island trek from home on the South Shore to the Seven Mile Miracle on the North Shore. Last weekend, she paddled out with 2004 Pipe Master Jamie O'Brien for a training session at Banzai Pipeline.

Pipeline is one of those waves that humbles you, even if you're the champ. In O'Brien's latest edit on his highly successful YouTube channel, Carissa explains:

"No highlight reel but it was a great experience to be out there, looking at the lineup and how the waves come in on the reef," says the four-time World Champ. "For me, you have to start somewhere. I know that if I want to get a good one out there I'm going to need to put in the time to feel comfortable and earn it."

O'Brien's made a career out of surfing Pipe. He grew up on the beach there, was a Pipe Master by 21, and continues to dominate the place like few others.

"I am so grateful for the opportunity to shadow Jamie that afternoon and pick his brain about the wave," continued Carissa. "He's spent most of his life surfing and mastering this wave."

Catching a wave at Pipeline is challenging for any surfer and especially hard when you are a woman in a male dominated break, that's why Moore and JOB got together. Moana Jones is another one that is paving the way. Moore shares that it is "inspiring to witness her commitment to Pipe over the past few years and see her get some incredible rides."

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