The highly anticipated second season of the acclaimed documentary series "Make or Break," featuring behind-the-scenes access to the world's best surfers as they battle for the top title at the World Surf League Championship Tour, is set to premiere with four episodes on Friday, February 17. An additional four episodes debut on Friday, February 24.
With unprecedented access, "Make or Break" returns to the world of professional surfing, offering an intimate deep dive into the aspirations, challenges, accomplishments, and personal lives of the surfers who compete to remain on the elite Men's and Women's WSL Championship Tour. This season will take viewers on location for the 2022 competition season to stunning surf locations across the globe, capturing the highs and lows of the "Dream Tour," including the first-ever mid-season cut, international rivalries and record-breaking upsets.
Make or Break - Season 2 Official Trailer
The highly anticipated second season of the acclaimed documentary series "Make or Break," featuring behind-the-scenes access to the world's best surfers as they battle for the top title at the World Surf League Championship Tour, is set to premiere with four episodes on Friday, February 17. An additional four episodes debut on Friday, February 24.
With unprecedented access, "Make or Break" returns to the world of professional surfing, offering an intimate deep dive into the aspirations, challenges, accomplishments, and personal lives of the surfers who compete to remain on the elite Men's and Women's WSL Championship Tour. This season will take viewers on location for the 2022 competition season to stunning surf locations across the globe, capturing the highs and lows of the "Dream Tour," including the first-ever mid-season cut, international rivalries and record-breaking upsets.
A dominant showing from Sebastian Williams headlined Day 2 action alongside Hayden Rodgers, Kei Kobayashi, and Jake Davis with excellence
Day 2 witnessed fireworks and Sebastian Williams led the charge with a 9.75 utilizing his aerial antics.
The scale was elevated nearly to its max with breakout performances from Sebastian Williams, Hayden Rodgers, Kei Kobayashi, Jake Davis and
Seven to Live Broadcast Four Major Australian Events Along with WSL Finals in Fiji -- WSL Recap Shows to Play on Seven Network Free-to-Air
Showcases from Gael Jimenez, Nesher Diaz, Jafet Ramoz, Max Munoz, and Vali Olea set the pace heading into the top-seeded Round of