#######Updated: October 2022
######Disclaimer - Information in this FAQ is subject to change
- How do I register for membership?
- What does a membership cost and what type should I select?
- When does membership expire?
- What is the junior age requirement?
- What region should I register under?
- Is my nation different than my region?
- What is the minimum age for joining the WSL?
- Can I request membership Terms and Conditions in another language?
- How do I register for an event?
- How much are entry fees?
- How do I cancel my entry?
- What is the cancellation and refund policy?
- I've received and email when I registered for an event, so am I confirmed?
- What type of insurance is this?
- Must I purchase insurance?
- How much is insurance?
- What does the insurance cover?
- How do I file a claim?
- Why is my credit card being declined?
- My credit card was stolen, lost, or expired since the last time I registered for an event. How do I update the information?
- Where can I find my name on the event list?
- What does it mean when I see WAIT after my name?
- What does it mean to be alternate?
- Where do I find the seed list?
- Where do I find the draw list?
- Where do I find event information?
- I left an event without collecting my prize money. Who do I contact?
- I have my prize money check from last year and my bank won't let me cash it because it's outdated. What do I do?
- Where do I find the rule book?
- How do I apply for a wildcard position?
- How long is a tour season?
- How does ranking for seeding work?
- How does regional ranking for QS, Junior and Longboard work?
- How are rankings affected when competing in events outside one's region?
- How many events count toward rankings?
- How and when should juniors start making the transition to QS competitions?

Q: How do I register for membership?
A: Click "here" under the MemberPro Login title on the Competitor Services, Membership & Event Registration page.
You will see the schedule of events page. Click on three (3) red lines in the upper right corner. Select JOIN. If you have any issues please contact your WSL Regional Office - https://www.worldsurfleague.com/pages/regional-offices
Q: What does a membership cost and what type should I select?
A: When you select your Region, you will see the cost for each membership type.
Click on the membership type to see what events it entitles you to surf in.
Q: When does membership expire?
A: Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 of a calendar year. You must renew your membership by January 31st to retain your ranking and seeding.
Q: What is the difference between membership types?
A: Junior memberships are for Surfers aged 20 and below. You are able to enter Pro Junior and Qualifying Series events.
Junior memberships need to be upgraded to a Regional membership to compete overseas.
Regional QS memberships allow you to register for all levels of QS events, including the Junior and Longboard divisions.
Single Event memberships allow you to surf one event in any division. If you decide to surf in additional events, you can upgrade to a Junior, Longboard or Regional membership for only the difference in membership fee.
Q: What is the Junior age requirement?
A: Junior is a competitor who is 20 years old or younger. You cannot turn 21 before 31st December of the current membership year.
Q: Which region should I register under?
A: There are 7 Regions: Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, Hawaii/Tahiti, North America and South America. Contact any Regional Office to determine who oversees your country of residence.
Q: Is my nation different from my region?
A: Yes. Your Nation is the country that you wish to represent. For example, your Nation may be Portugal, your Region is Europe, Nation is Peru, Region is South America.
Q: What is the minimum age for joining the WSL
A: To join online you need to be 13-years-old or older. You can still join as a 12 year old but you need to contact your regional office. Regional office contacts here. ( https://www.worldsurfleague.com/pages/regional-offices )
Q: Can I request Membership Terms and Conditions in another Language
A: Yes you can contact your closest regional office. Regional office contacts here. ( https://www.worldsurfleague.com/pages/regional-offices )
Q: How do I register for an event?
A: Click “here” under the MemberPro Login title on the Competitor Services, Membership & Event Registration page.
You will see the schedule of events page. Click on the three (3) red lines in the upper right corner. Select SIGN IN to log onto your account.
Click on the three (3) red lines in the top right corner and select My Events or Events
Q: How much are entry fees?
A: Entries fees vary depending on region, division (QS, Junior, Longboard) and event ranking (QS1000, QS3000, QS5000). Contact your region for fees. The fee will be listed when you check out.
Your credit card is charged for the entry fee only after the event close date and you are confirmed in the event.
Q: How do I cancel my entry?
A: If the event has closed and you are confirmed in the event: Click “here” under the Cancelling an Event Entry on the Competitor Services, Membership & Event Registration page.
Complete the email and include your name, the event name and reason for cancellation.
You can also send an email directly to cancellations@worldsurfleague.com. Include your name, the event name and reason for cancellation.
If the event is open for entries: you can cancel your WAITLIST registration on your MemberPro account. Click on the three (3) red lines in the top right corner and select My Events or Events.
Q: What is the cancellation and refund policy?
A: Entry Fees are forfeited and non-refundable from the relevant event's closing date. If an injury notification is delivered in writing to the relevant WSL Regional Office prior to 7 days before the relevant event start date, and an approved medical certificate can be produced, the competitor will receive a refund less a US$50 administration fee. All cancellations of event entries must be in writing to a WSL Regional Office. Medical certificates must be dated and produced no later than 48 hours after the respective cancellation or injury notification.
EXCEPTION: Where the Competitor cannot see their choice of a medical professional, in which case the WSL Tour Manager will make the decision on whether the evidence provided is adequate.
Q: I received an email when I registered for an event, so am I confirmed?
A: No. The email you get only confirms that the registration was received. Entries are confirmed after the close date. Always check the seed list or entry list after the close date to see if you are confirmed or wait listed.
Your credit card is charged for the entry fee only after the event close date and you are confirmed in the event.
Q: What is my login ID?
A: Your Logon ID is assigned to you. It will be your first initial and last name, all capital letters, no spaces. i.e. John Smith would be JSMITH; you create your own password.
Q: I forgot my Password. Who do I contact?
A: Select: Forgot your Login ID or Password? on the Members Login page. If you do not receive a reply in 10 minutes, check your spam box. If the reply has not been filtered to your spam, email your regional office.
Q: What type of insurance is offered?
A: The policies are supplementary personal accident and travel insurance supplied by Willis Insurance Brokers. This means it does NOT cover health benefit insurance that you should obtain in your own country of residence that would cover any medical costs. WSL is not the insurer, we have just facilitated policies that cover our members for competing in professional surfing events.
Q: Do I have to purchase insurance?
A: Yes. To compete in your country of residence, you must purchase the Domestic Medical Cover.
If you are competing outside your country of residence, you must purchase one of the policies offered (additional to the Domestic Medical Cover). Your usual government or private health coverage will not apply.
Q: What does the insurance cover?
A: You can access the different coverage summaries from your account. Select the three (3) red lines in the top right corner of the page. Select MEMBERSHIPS to see the insurance information options.
Each policy has a "Coverage Summary" that you should read carefully before purchasing. It does not cover you for regular medical benefits. You should obtain your own advice when purchasing this or any other insurance to make sure you have the insurance that best suits your own personal circumstances.
Q: How do I file and insurance claim?
A: You can access a claim form from your account. Select the three (3) red lines in the top right corner of the page. Select MEMBERSHIPS to see the insurance information options.
Q: Why is my credit card being declined?
A: We accept most credit and debit cards. We do not accept American Express. The bank that authorizes the transactions is based in Europe. Your credit card company may see this as a potential fraudulent charge and block the transaction. If this happens, contact your card company and ask them to waive the block, then contact your regional office manager and let us know what has happened.
Q: My credit card was stolen, lost, or expired since the time I registered for the event. How do I update the information?
A: Unfortunately, you are unable to update the information. When the event closes, and your card is charged, it will be declined. You will receive a notice that your card was declined and that an invoice has been placed in your profile. You can login and pay the invoice with your new credit card information.
Q: Where can I find my name on the event list?
- Go to the WSL home page at www.worldsurfleague.com
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Under the second column, “Tours and Competition”, “Competitor Services”.
- Click “here” under “MemberPro Login”.
- In the upper right corner select the three red lines. Select Sign In.
- Once signed in, click on the three red lines, and select My Events, then Event Registration.
- Scroll to the event. There you will see a column with the event CLOSE DATE, the STATUS, and LIST.
- Select the [+] box under the last column “List”.
- This is a list of entries as of the current date. Before the close date everyone is on the WAIT list and will have WAIT after their name.
- After the close date, if you are confirmed in the event, your credit card is charged and CONF will be placed after your name.
Q: What does it mean when I see WAIT after my name?
A: All entries will have WAIT after their name before the close date. After the close date, the event is seeded, and those that get into the event will have CONF after their name. Surfers that do not get in are placed on the alternate list first by seeding, then by date of registration. WAIT will be after the name.
Q: What does it mean to be an alternate?
A: When you are an alternate, you will see the word WAIT after your name on the entry list. This means you did not have enough seed points, or any seed points to get in the event. Your credit card is not charged. Your place will be held on the list unless you send a cancellation notice to cancellations@worldsurfleague.com. When WSL receives a cancellation from a specific event, the first person on the alternate / wait list is automatically moved into the event. Your credit card will be charged at that time. If you get moved into the event and you do not attend, you forfeit the entry fee.
Q: Where do I find the seed list?
The seed list is posted once the event closes at the 30-day deadline. A few days before the event, the draw sheet is posted.
- Go to the WSL home page at www.worldsurfleague.com .
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Under the second column, “Tours and Competition”, “Competitor Services”.
- Click “here” under the heading Event Seed Lists and Heat Draws PDFs.
- Scroll to the event sheet you want to view.
Q: Where do I find the Heat Draw?
A: To find the EVENT HEAT DRAW SHEET. The draw is posted a few days prior to the start of the event.
- Go to the WSL home page at www.worldsurfleague.com .
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Under the second column, “Tours and Competition”, “Competitor Services”.
- Click “here” under the heading Event Seed Lists and Heat Draws PDFs.
- Scroll to the event sheet you want to view.
Q: Where do I find event information?
A: Not all events provide information. For those that do, you can view it in two places.
- WSL Online Membership Management System. Select Event Registration. Scroll to the specific event. Under the event name, in bold print you will you see Click here for Information.
- WSL Home page. Select Events. Select the Tour. Select the Event name. IF they have provided the information, it will be under the heading Event Guide.
Q: I left an event without collecting my prize money. Who do I contact?
A: Never leave an event without giving your payment information. If you do leave, there is a chance you may forfeit your money. Contact your regional office and they will assist you in contacting and collecting payment from the specific region and event.
Q: I have my prize money check from last year and my bank won't let me cash it because it is outdated. What do I do?
A: Most banks will not pay a check that is more than six months old. Contact your regional office and they will assist in contacting the appropriate region and event director. Be aware that if you do not cash your check in a timely manner, the event may have closed the books and your money is forfeit.
Q: Where do I find the WSL Rule Book?
A: The Rule Book can be accessed from the WSL Home page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Rules and Regulations under the Tours and Competition column. You can also access the Rule Book from the Member Services page.
Q: How do I apply for a wildcard position?
A: Contact your Regional Office to inquire about wildcard possibilities.
Q: How long is a tour season?
Qualifying Series (QS) Men and Women – April to April.
Junior Series (JR) Men and Women - January to December of a calendar year.
Longboard Series (LB) Men and Women
- International qualifiers – November to June.
- Regional qualifiers - August to July.
Q: How does ranking for seeding work?
A: All events are seeded based on the previous tour season’s final rankings. Those with the highest rankings get confirmed into events based on the format size. If there are more entries than what the format allows, the lowest ranked surfers will be alternates.
Q: How does regional ranking for QS, Junior and Longboard work?
A: Each region has their own regional men’s and women’s QS, Junior and Longboard rankings. These rankings crown regional champions in each division.
- Regional QS events qualify their top regional surfers for the Challenger Series events.
- Junior events within a region qualify their regional members for the annual World Junior Championships.
- Longboard events within a region, as well as international longboard qualifying events, qualify surfers for the World Longboard Tour.
Q: How are rankings affected when competing in events outside one's region?
A: All rankings are regionally based. For example, if you are a WSL European member, you receive priority in WSL European sanctioned QS, Junior and Longboard events. You receive points and a ranking that qualifies you for the appropriate tour events and championships.
You may register for events outside your region but may not get in due to a limited format size. If you do get in, you are eligible to win prize money, but you will not receive points that count toward your ranking.
Q: How many events count toward rankings?
A: The number of events will determine how many count toward qualification.
For example -
- Up to three events, all count
- Four events, best three count
- Five events, best four count
- Over five events, best five count
Q: How and when should juniors start making the transition to QS competitions?
A: This depends on the ability of the surfer. Some juniors have qualified for the CT in a short period of time. Usually, a junior competitor will surf both junior and QS events for several years to gain experience and build a ranking on the QS level.