Hermes and his wife Ana enjoy working and playing together.
In the surf media, Tomas Hermes is often portrayed as a prototypical Brazilian battler: determined, hardworking and earnest. But he's far from a single-minded contest machine. Beneath that gritty exterior beats the heart of an artist consumed as much with aesthetics as he is with athletics. In this revealing short film directed by Bruno Tessari, with cinematography from Hermes' wife Ana, the 2018 New Era Championship Tour Rookie opens up about his shared passion for filmmaking alongside his photographer wife.
Hermes will continue to make the most of his travels. - WSL / Kelly Cestari
An interesting dynamic exists between the couple and their pursuits inside and outside of pro surfing, a partnership Hermes was quick to point out after qualifying for the CT at the Hawaiian Pro last month. "It's not just a dream to qualify but its also like a job," he said, clearly choked up by emotion, "I want to thank so many people, my family, Vans... It's so special to my wife, Ana. She's been through the bad and good, she's my best friend, my wife, my coach, and she makes it so good."
It's a point well taken: Surfing may be a solitary pursuit, but the life of a pro surfer is more than just an individual endeavor.
Hermes, throwing flair into an old-school move on his way to a 2nd place finish at the 2017 US Open of Surfing. - WSL / Kenneth Morris
2018 Championship Tour Rookie Tomas Hermes Is Dreaming Big
In the surf media, Tomas Hermes is often portrayed as a prototypical Brazilian battler: determined, hardworking and earnest. But he's far from a single-minded contest machine. Beneath that gritty exterior beats the heart of an artist consumed as much with aesthetics as he is with athletics. In this revealing short film directed by Bruno Tessari, with cinematography from Hermes' wife Ana, the 2018 New Era Championship Tour Rookie opens up about his shared passion for filmmaking alongside his photographer wife.
An interesting dynamic exists between the couple and their pursuits inside and outside of pro surfing, a partnership Hermes was quick to point out after qualifying for the CT at the Hawaiian Pro last month. "It's not just a dream to qualify but its also like a job," he said, clearly choked up by emotion, "I want to thank so many people, my family, Vans... It's so special to my wife, Ana. She's been through the bad and good, she's my best friend, my wife, my coach, and she makes it so good."
It's a point well taken: Surfing may be a solitary pursuit, but the life of a pro surfer is more than just an individual endeavor.
Tomas Hermes
Featuring Yago Dora, Filipe Toledo, Caio Ibelli, Ian Gouveia, Kelly Slater, John John Florence, Gabriel Medina, Julian Wilson, Adriano de
Featuring Filipe Toledo, Carissa Moore, Samuel Pupo, Caio Ibelli, Stephanie Gilmore, Kelly Slater, John John Florence, Ian Gouveia, and
Competition resumed in beautiful conditions at the Azores Airlines Pro but was unfortunately cut short by gale-force winds.
Gabriel Medina terminou em primeiro lugar no qualifying, Filipe Toledo em quarto e Miguel Pupo em sétimo.
O campeão mundial foi o mais completo surfando de backside e frontside com a maior nota nas esquerdas e nas direitas.
Take a look back at the ultimate highlight package from Gabriel Medina, Tatiana Weston-Webb, Filipe Toledo, Italo Ferreira, and Yago Dora
El Ministerio de Turismo es el nuevo patrocinador principal del torneo.
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Featuring Barron Mamiya, Leonardo Fioravanti, Italo Ferreira, Caitlin Simmers, Molly Picklum, Tyler Wright, Ian Gouveia, Kelly Slater, John
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