In February, Torren Martyn took a surf trip to an arctic location nestled in the northernmost part of the planet. The Australian found frigid, hollow barrels and several empty righthand points. Trekking through arctic hillsides with snowshoes, a rucksack, and two twinnies, Martyn scored the trip of a lifetime.

"Mid winter in the Arctic is not a place you'd think of when dreaming up that idyllic surf adventure. With air temperatures well below -10C degrees, an ocean on the verge of freezing and a wind chill that can kill you in minutes if you're unprepared," says Torren's sponsor needESSENTIALS on their YouTube page.

Martyn is known as the face of contemporary alt-craft, primarily surfing performance and retro twin fins. His shaper, Simon Jones, at Morning of the Earth, provided him with a 6'4" and a 7'2" to cover all the bases on this voyage north.

"I'm never really riding more than one or two boards at a time. I go through stages where I'll be attracted or gravitate towards a certain board and get really absorbed in it. Then I'll look for a refreshing feeling in something else. It keeps it exciting, Martyn told Surfer Magazine.

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