Story by The Inertia.

Back in April, Mason Ho got his hands on a funny little thing. It was one of his favorite …Lost surfboards, but pared right down. "You know how they make like mini Oreos or mini Reese's cups?" he asked. "Make a mini version of one of your favorite models."

The board showed up, and just as promised, it was mini. And although it barely floated him, Mason Ho was able to make a 4'9 look like… well, a regular surfboard. The footage that came from a few sessions with that board was pretty mind-blowing. Over the course of the next few months, Mason logged some serious time on the mini-board. And since all good edits come with a pile of scraps on the cutting room floor, there was enough left over to piece together the one you see above.

In it, Mason takes the mini-board out to most of his favorite spots on the North Shore, beginning at the Rock Garden, making his way down to Rocky Point, and finally ending up with a surf at Backdoor and Pipeline with his dad and sister.

World Surf League
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